Young adult narrative: literary innovation in search of a reader


  • Maria Zaira Turchi Universidade Federal de Goiás


Brazilian young adult literature, Young adult contemporary narrative, Urban and social conflicts, Literary innovations


For the last decades, Brazilian narratives for young adults have incorporated new authors and works which, by opening the frontiers of this literary genre, search new themes and discourse strategies in order to attract the interest of young contemporary readers. In this locus of transition and instability, authors have bet on plots full of adventure and suspense, developing versatile narratives where different languages enter into dialogue. This article aims at analysing the work of some authors of the 2000 generation, – especially the work of Fernando Bonassi – whose narratives succeed in surpassing the market demands, with an aesthetic work which believes in the capacity of the work to point to visions of what is still to come. Such narratives for the young present urban and social conflicts in the field of literary innovation which resorts to muldimedia devices, by inventing new forms of literariness for the young.


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Author Biography

Maria Zaira Turchi, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Professor doutor

Areas de investigação: Literatura juvenil brasileira;  narrativa juvenil contemporânea;Teorias da narrativa



How to Cite

Turchi, M. Z. (2016). Young adult narrative: literary innovation in search of a reader. FronteiraZ. Journal of the Postgraduate Studies in Literature and Literary Criticism Program, (17), 81–92. Retrieved from


