The mixed baroque anthropophagy of a Brazilian soap opera


  • Revista FronteiraZ



alterity, miscegenation, anthropophagy, new media


Interview with professor José Amálio Pinheiro, professor and researcher of the Programa de Comunicação e Semiótica [Communication and Semiotics Program] of PUC-SP, where he expatiates on the notion of alterity in diverse contexts.  In the six-part interview, José Amálio Pinheiro addresses such issues as the inbetween place of alterity, the baroque in Brazilian culture and Latin-American miscegenation, cultural anthropophagy, the new media and digital technologies, as well as the migration movements right in the twenty-first century.

Besides being a professor and researcher, José Amálio Pinheiro is also a poet, translator and the coordinator of the Grupo de Pesquisa Barroco e Mestiçagem [the Baroque and Miscegenation Research Group], where the relationships among the fields of literature, communication, and culture in Latin America are investigated, whilst non dualist models for the continent are experimented; he already appeared in the tenth edition of Revista Fronteiraz in 2013.

Edition: Ana Paula Rodrigues da Silva, Thiago Fonseca (TV-PUC)
Soundtrack: PIPA estúdio


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How to Cite

FronteiraZ, R. (2019). The mixed baroque anthropophagy of a Brazilian soap opera. FronteiraZ. Journal of the Postgraduate Studies in Literature and Literary Criticism Program, (22).