Private unreasons and their hidden logics in two Machadian short stories
Machado de Assis, Um esqueleto, A causa secreta, Insanity, ParticularizationAbstract
The article shows some results of the research that focuses on the short stories “Um esqueleto” and “A causa secreta”, by Machado de Assis, and published in 1875 and 1885, respectively. Our main purpose is to reveal the manifestations of some behavioral deviations tackled by the literary operations that encapsulate advanced fictional procedures. By means of unusual plots with marks of universal tradition, and characters who adopt ingenious discursive strategies in each situation, - as we could bring into focus, – Machado de Assis revisits and feeds, throughout his work, the repertoire of stories about human insanity, keeping firm his bet on the representation of the Brazilian reality. We propose a point of convergence of two key moments in this line of reading and explore the refinement achieved by the writer in each stage.
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Revista FronteiraZ – nº 25 – dezembro de 2020
Artigos – Raquel Cristina Ribeiro Pedroso & Gabriela Kvacek Betella 125
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