Object-book: contribuitions to the narrative art and reading


  • André Letria




In this interview, the Portuguese illustrator André Letria dwells on all the phases of the process of creation and publication of the object-book, from the role design plays in the process of creation to the difficulties in the production of such work. Letria addresses the issue of the object-book as a sensory experience of literature and presents his contribution to narrative art and reading.

Born in Lisbon, André Letria has worked as an illustrator since 1992, having published books in different countries and having received important international awards. He has also participated in exhibitions, made animated films and devised theater settings.

Edition: Ana Paula Rodrigues da Silva, Thiago Fonseca (TV-PUC)
Soundtrack: PIPA estúdio


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Author Biography

André Letria




How to Cite

Letria, A. (2020). Object-book: contribuitions to the narrative art and reading. FronteiraZ. Journal of the Postgraduate Studies in Literature and Literary Criticism Program, (24). https://doi.org/10.23925/1983-4373.2020i24vm3