Embroidery in children's book
issues of materiality and intermediality
Intermediality, Embroidery, Textile art, Children's literatureAbstract
Embroidery has been used to illustrate children's books as a reflection of contemporary artistic production that has made use of several initiatives which highlight and re-evaluate the role of textile arts in visual productions. The aim of this article is to examine the use of embroidery materiality in the illustrations of some works of literature for children, such as Menino do Rio Doce (1996), Ponto a ponto (2006), A Menina que falava bordado (2010), Este não é um livro de princesas (2014), and Os bordados da vovó (2017). As a methodology of analysis, the such will be examined according to the reflections of Claus Clüver (2011) and Irina Rajewsky (2012) on intermediality. Finally, we seek to encourage discussions about the contribution of handmade illustration techniques, such as embroidery, to the study of the relationship between word and image in publications aimed at children.
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