The moment of laughter of the modernists
event and esthesia in The Yellow Man by Anita Malfatti
The Week of Modern Art, 1922, The Yellow Man, Figurative and plastic semiotics, Tensive Semiotics, EventAbstract
The painting The Yellow Man, by Anita Malfatti, exhibited at the 1917 Modern Art Exhibition and at the 1922 Modern Art Week, drew uncontrolled laughter from the writer and modernist Mário de Andrade. An iconic work of Brazilian Modernism, the painting is considered a watershed in the visual arts, breaking with the pictorial-making of the time. In order to do so, we intend to analyze it in the light of plastic and figurative semiotics (FLOCH, 1985; THURLEMANN, 1982-86; GREIMAS, 2004), also observing the sensitive and the intelligible in aesthetic making and examining it as an 'event' by Zilberberg, taking into account the tensive (ZILBERBERG, 2011; FONTANILLE, 2005). The main conjecture is that The Yellow Man, remodeling aesthetic-cultural concepts of the pictorial work of the doxa of the time, provided the corporal hexis of the 1922 Modern Art Week, in an aesthetic and ethical way, with effects of a sense of identity and style.
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