Poe in Psychoanalysis
relationships between automatism of repetition and the insistence of the significant chains in The Purloined Letter
Poe, Lacan, Saussure, Freud, Psychoanalytic reading of the linguistic signAbstract
This article explores connections between Literature, Linguistics and Psychoanalysis, based on Lacan's seminar (1995/1998) on the short story “The Purloined Letter”, by Edgar Allan Poe. Lacan draws not only from Freud's work on repetition but also from the notion of symbolic order developed by Saussure and Jakobson. Lacan analyzes the relationship between the automatism of repetition, the insistence of the signifying chain, the symbolic order and the formations of the unconscious. The article includes considerations about the art of composition and the predominance of signifying chains in Poe's work, the relationship between the Lacanian notion of the unconscious structured as a language and the determination of the subject by the signifier. We understand that the plot woven by Poe works as an analogy of the autonomy of significant chains over signification, as it allows us to follow the story even without information about the content of the letter.
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