On the act of reading poetically
reflections on teaching of literature and its role in the “hyper-critical readers” formation
Teaching of literature, Hyper-critical reader, Operational reader, Poíesis, Poetic readingAbstract
Reaffirming the importance of the act of reading, grounded in Paulo Freire’s studies, this paper examines the role of the reader in relation to the fictional agreement proposed by the narrative text, with theoretical support from Umberto Eco. It considers the concept of “good” literature from Roland Barthes’ perspective and its potential contribution to sustaining the reader’s critical thinking, introducing the notions of the “hypercritical reader” and the “operational reader””. It revisits the Greek conception of poiesis through Martin Heidegger’s analysis and offers a critical evaluation of contemporary reading practices, particularly within the context of teaching Brazilian Literature in High School. It presents the idea of “poetic reading” and invites reflection on new reading practices in the classroom.
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