When politics becomes unavoidable: from community art to communing art.


  • Pascal Gielen Univesiteit Antwerpen. Antuérpia.
  • Hanka Otte Univesiteit Antwerpen. Antuérpia.


community art, commoning art, cultural policy, politics of culture.


In this article two parallel shifts are signalized and analysed. One is called the transition from community art to so-called commoning art, the other the transition from cultural policy to a politics of culture. While community art, since the 1990’s, was regulated, legitimized and sometimes highly stimulated by the official cultural policies of several European countries, commoning art - which started to boom after the financial crises which started at the end of 2007 – is mostly not. The former is supported by governments because it ‘compensates’ structural gaps in the welfare state and particularly concentrates on social improvement, cohesion and resilience. The highly activist and sometimes radical political character of the latter, makes that commoning artists need to organize themselves in an often not regulated, civil zone between the market and the state. In this article the authors analyse the characteristics of this tendency towards commoning art and they articulate a hypothesis about what kind of politics could be supportive for this rising art praxis. 



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Author Biographies

Pascal Gielen, Univesiteit Antwerpen. Antuérpia.

Pascal Gielen é professor de sociologia cultural no Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA). Em 2016, recebeu o Odysseus Grant of the Flemish Scientific Fund por sua excelente pesquisa internacional. Com essa subvenção, criou o grupo interdisciplinar Culture Commons Quest Office, cuja pesquisa é voltada às condições de sustentabilidade de trabalhos criativos em diferentes contextos urbanos. Gielen também é editor chefe da série internacional de livros Arts in Society.

Hanka Otte, Univesiteit Antwerpen. Antuérpia.

Hanka Otte é pesquisadora de pós-doutorado no Culture Commons Quest Office (Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts – ARIA). Tal grupo de pesquisa tem pensado como os trabalhos criativos podem contribuir com o ambiente urbano e o que tem sido chamado de “commons”, bem como a emergência de biótopos criativos. A autora tem como foco a análise desses biótopos, pensando no modo como eles têm se mantido de forma sustentável através das políticas das cidades. Sua pesquisa de doutorado foi acerca da relação entre a participação artística e a coesão social. Defendeu sua tese sob o título de “Binding or Bridging, on the relation between arts, cultural policy and social cohesion” [Ligar ou abrir caminhos, sobre a relação entre artes, política cultural e coesão social], e





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