Neomaterialism & Anthropo-logics



Neomaterialism, Anthropocentrism, Affordances, Social Communication.


This article is proposed as an academic debate, about a recently published article by a relevant author in the field of Communication. Two nested components are observed in the discussed article: one, propositional, which is academically valued; and a combat one, where contradictions with the first component show up. The expression anthropocentrism is debated as used to characterize researches nonaligned with the heuristic proposal offered by the author. The disqualification of opponents so constructed does not favor the heuristic itself – which, however, offers a good contribution to the area. Finally, based on the concept of affordances and on the perception of diversity of objects and research in Communication, we propose the reception of the heuristic as a middle range theory. 


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Author Biography

José Luiz W. J. G. Braga, Unisinos

José Luiz Braga é Professor Titular no PPG em Comunicação da Unisinos (RS) desde 1999, tendo coordenado o Programa de 2002 a 2004. Pesquisador 1A do CNPq. Doutor em Comunicação pelo Institut Français de Presse (1984). Foi pesquisador no Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais e professor na UFPB e na UnB. Foi Presidente da Compós, gestão 1993-95.





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