Resilience and pollination of black music that has been occupying urban spaces in Rio de Janeiro



communication, culture, city, music, politics.


 Taking as a reference field observations and journalistic articles published in the media scene, as well as the specialized bibliography; this article seeks to build a cartography of the controversies and carry out a brief assessment of the processes of glamorization and restraint (and even criminalization) that have been associated with the manifestations of black music - such as samba, funk, jongo and hip hop -, which have traditionally occupied public spaces in the city of Rio de Janeiro in the form of small events. It is based on the assumption that it has been especially in the circles of this metropolis (which gravitate towards these musical genres mentioned above), that the actors from different social segments have historically managed to promote a set of cultural practices that generate not only resilience, but also pollination, which have allowed the construction of territorialities that have given new meaning to the imaginary and, in general, the daily life of this city. 


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Author Biographies

Micael Herschmann, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da UFRJ

Doutor em Comunicação pela UFRJ, pesquisador 1D do CNPq, Professor Titular do PPGCOM da UFRJ, onde também dirige o grupo de pesquisa Núcleo de Estudos e Projetos em Comunicação

Cíntia Sanmartin Fernandes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da UERJ

Doutora em Sociologia Política pela UFSC, professora do PPGCOM da UERJ, onde também é coordenadora adjunta do Grupo de pesquisa Comunicação, Arte e Cidade.





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