The noisy photography of Miroslav Tichý:

the agency of artisanal photographic equipment in the construction of an aesthetic of precariousness



Aesthetics of precariousness, agency of objects, low fidelity, Miroslav Tichý, contemporary photography


This article aims to analyze the agency of non-human elements in the aesthetic production, such as photographic equipment. How low-fidelity cameras contributed to the subversion of the canons of traditional photography and to the consolidation of an aesthetic of precariousness, characterized by noise and flaws. Such aesthetic permeates the photographic production of the Czech artist Miroslav Tichý (1926-2011). His photographs, distinguished by the lack of sharpness, excess of noise and deterioration, is resultant of an artisanal and peculiar photographic process, proved to be propitious to evince the agency of non-human elements in the shape of this aesthetic of precariousness.

Author Biography

Paula Davies Rezende, Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo

PhD student in Visual Arts at ECA-USP, Master in Aesthetics and Art History at MAC-USP, specialist in Preservation for Technological Collections at MAST-RJ, graduated in Audiovisual also at ECA-USP. She is a professor of Cinema and Audiovisual at ESPM-SP. She is currently developing research on post-digital art.





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