Slumber spectator and cinema of slowness

Serra, Kiarostami, Apichatpong


  • Eduardo Brandão Pinto PPGCOM - Escola de Comunicação - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


contemporary cinema, slow cinema, spectatorship, time-image


This paper examines the effects of sleepness built inside three recent films: Honor of the Knigths (Albert Serra), Uncle Boonmee (Apichatpong Weerasethakul) and Five (Abbas Kiarostami). Our hypothesis points to the way sleep, which is assumed as a possible reaction to the film’s slowness, takes the form of a byproduct of a new relationship between spectator and screen, which, in turn, performs new twists on subjective problem recognized by Deleuze in The Time-Image: the rupture of the connection between man/ woman and the world.

Author Biography

Eduardo Brandão Pinto, PPGCOM - Escola de Comunicação - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Doutorando no PPGCOM/ECO/UFRJ. Mestre en Artes da Cena pela UFRJ. Bacharel em Cinema e Audiovisual pela UFF.

Cineasta, diretor de curtas como 'Vazio do lado de fora' (2017).


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