The In that strange March of 2016
excess and repetition in Jornal Nacional
Jornal Nacional, cinema;, arquivos do presente, toxicidadeAbstract
This article proposes the analysis of an audiovisual archival material composed of editions of the Jornal Nacional that aired in March 2016, based on critical instruments from the field of film studies. These are “archives of the present” in which we identify a dominant mode of action of the JN as a “resonance box” for both unconfirmed accusations and their dissemination in other media. In focus in this text, the JN’s treatment given to the plea bargain of the then PT senator Delcídio do Amaral, and the imagetic dynamics in the selected editions – issues that reveal excess and repetition as fundamental mechanisms of a gradual “toxicity” (ELSAESSER, 2014) that reaches the spectator.
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