Artistic practices in Communication and Media Studies research: situating epistemological matters

situating epistemological matters



methodology, epistemology, art-based research, arts and communication


In recent years, an important and transdisciplinary methodological debate has arisen around artistic practices and their incorporation into academic research. Artistic research, art-based research, and practice-based research are some of the nomenclatures that have sparked intense debate in various disciplines. This article starts from the observation of a lack or timid presence of Communication in this debate. To do so, it discusses the epistemologization process of the arts, points to definitions of artistic research, and brings it closer to references more common in the fields of Communication and Media Studies.


Author Biography

Ruy Cézar Campos Figueiredo, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Artista-pesquisador. Doutor em Comunicação pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (bolsista CAPES). Mestre em Artes pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (bolsista FUNCAP). Bacharel em Audiovisual e Novas Mídias pela Universidade de Fortaleza.


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