Trends in the international news coverage on Latin America in Germany in the 21st century


Mots-clés :

news values, Latin America’s foreign reporting, global reporting, news factors, international communication, German press.


This study aims at analysing the main developments in foreign reporting of Latin America by the German press. The paper provides a content analysis of 3.831 articles published in quality German publications (SZ, FAZ, Der Spiegel, and taz) between 2000 and 2014. The most common news factors related to the continent are found to be “magnitude,” “power status,” “economic proximity”, and “personification.” Additionally, we identified a decrease in hard news over the years (6 pp within Politics and 8 pp amidst Economy). Despite depoliticisation, a tendency towards tabloidisation was not confirmed since factors such as personification
and crisis remained constant.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Regina Cazzamatta, Universität Erfurt

Regina Cazzamatta is a PhD candidate at the University of Erfurt, Germany, since 2014. She received her Master Degree in Media and Communication Studies from the University of Erfurt and had an international background of academic experience. In Sao Paulo, Brazil, she graduated in Communication Studies and had post graduation in International Journal- ism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paolo. Author of the book – ‘Brasilien- Berichterstattung in der deutschen Presse’ –, her research interests include compared media systems, news value approaches, international news coverage and media discourse. At the present, the scholar investigates the image of Latin America in the German press with the financial support of the German-Brazilian research programme DAAD/CNPQ (290017/ 2014-9) – a partnership between The German Academic Exchange Service and The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.






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