Regulatory processes in the motivation for learning english as a foreign language




motivation;, self-determination theory;, foreign languages learning


This exploratory and descriptive study aims to investigate the regulatory processes that guide the relationship between external and internal motivation related to the learning of English in light of the Theory of Self-determination of Ryan and Deci (1985, 2000, 2002, 2017). To that end, 25 students were selected from a public high school in Luís Eduardo Magalhães, Bahia. The empirical material was generated through the application of questionnaires. The results pointed to a more significant occurrence of the regulation of motivation by identification, the process of recognising the value of an activity in consonance with personal interests.

Author Biographies

Rossini Fonseca Silveira, Universidade Federal do Goiás

Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras e Linguística da UFG; Mestre em Linguística Aplicada - PPGLA/UNB, Especialista em Estudos Linguísticos, Leitura e Produção Textual - UNEB; graduação em LETRAS - HABILITAÇÃO EM LÍNGUA INGLESA - UERN (1999). Professor concursado da Rede Estadual de Ensino da Bahia doe.

Neuda Alves do Lago, Universidade Federal de Goiás

English Literature Professor. She holds a Degree in Portuguese and English Languages (1997), a Masters in Language and Literature (2002), with a thesis defended in the area of Applied Linguistics: teaching English as a Foreign Language, a Doctorate in Language and Literature from the Federal University of Goiás (2007), with a dissertation defended at the area of Applied Linguistics: teaching of English Language Literature, and a continuing education course in Literary Criticism - Critical Reading at the University of Oxford (2017). She is an Associate Professor at the Modern Languages College, a senior researcher and professor at the Masters and Doctorate in Language and Literature at UFG, a senior researcher and professor in the Masters in Education, and a collaborating professor at the Masters in Agronomy, at UFJ. She is the general coordinator of research at the Modern Languages College. She has experience in Higher Education, with an emphasis on Teaching and Learning Literature in English, working mainly on the following topics: English Literature, English Teaching and Research, Teacher Education, Affective Domain in Language Learning, Collaborative Learning, and Intersemiotic Translation from Literature to Cinema.


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How to Cite

Silveira, R. F., & Alves do Lago, N. (2023). Regulatory processes in the motivation for learning english as a foreign language. Intercâmbio, 53, e61880.


