The “Ontological Centrality” of Labour and the Proletarian “Political


  • Sérgio Lessa



Social struggles, ideologies, Marxism, social movements, State


The article argues thatthere is, in Marx, a differentiation of the social function of theproletariat from otherwage-labourers based on the distinctive insertion of each socialclass in the productivestructure. It argues also that this distinction is evident inCapital and, that often,references to manuscripts such as Grundrisse or Capital VI —unpublished, have beenused to discredit Marx’s text and to, politically andtheoretically, refute thecentrality of the proletariat in the transcendence of thecapitalist system.

Author Biography

Sérgio Lessa


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How to Cite

Lessa, S. (2005). The “Ontological Centrality” of Labour and the Proletarian “Political. Lutas Sociais, (13/14), 106–121.