Rosa Luxemburg and the Workers’ Councils and Soldiers in Revolutionary Germany


  • Tatiana Macedo Soares de Rotolo Mestre em Filosofia pela USP



Rosa Luxemburg, Conselhos operários, socialismo


This paper aims to elucidate Rosa Luxemburg´s views on workers’ councils. This vision, deeply influenced by the events of the German Revolution (1918-1923), manifests itself in the councils, which are the incarnation of Rosa’s ideas about socialism. For her, socialism and democracy cannot be separated. Also, revolution and the socialist society need to be projects led by the popular masses. Thus, Rosa views the councils as a real and possible solution for the construction of socialism. However, it must be noted that her ideas were immersed in contemporary events, allowing her only to suggest the councils as a viable alternative. A more elaborate reflection was not possible for Luxemburg, mainly on account of her murder at an early age, in January 1919

Author Biography

Tatiana Macedo Soares de Rotolo, Mestre em Filosofia pela USP

Este artigo é parte integrante da dissertação de mestrado defendida pela autora, em 26 de março de  2007.Cf.  Conselhos  Operários  e  Socialismo.  In:  ROTOLO,  Tatiana  de  M.  S.  O  Socialismo Democrático segundo Rosa Luxemburg. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia). FFLCH-USP, 2007, 87p.



How to Cite

Rotolo, T. M. S. de. (2008). Rosa Luxemburg and the Workers’ Councils and Soldiers in Revolutionary Germany. Lutas Sociais, (19/20), 94–107.