In search of the “inexpensive government”? The Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca as an experment in political (re)creation


  • Cássio Brancaleone Sociólogo, doutorando em sociologia pelo IUPERJ e pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Direito e Sociedade (CEDES). Escrito nas (in)dependências da Comuna do Outeiro da Glória, Rio de Janeiro. Agradeço efusivamente a leitura atenta e comentários dos camaradas João Martins e Isabela Nogueira.



Movimentos sociais, Assembléia Popular, Oaxaca,


In mid-June 2006 there arose in the Mexican city of Oaxaca, capital of the state of the same name, the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), fruit of a vigorous mass social movement that temporarilly paralyzed the majority of state agencies in that region. This study attempts to explore the possible political significance of that popular experience (which is still occurring), guided in particular by the interpretation offered by the principle documents produced by the collective bodies that comprise APPO, while also taking into consideration its connection to contemporary Mexican social reality and to the so-called anticapitalist struggles.



How to Cite

Brancaleone, C. (2008). In search of the “inexpensive government”? The Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca as an experment in political (re)creation. Lutas Sociais, (19/20), 136–149.