Don’t Pass Off a Cat as a Rabbit: For a Re-examination of the Relationship Between Nationalism and Anti-Imperialism in the Years of JK


  • Lúcio Flávio Rodrigues de Almeida



By means of the analysis of the nationalism during the Kubitschek’s years, three hypothesis are proposed in this article: 1) nationalism may be appropriated on different ways by different social classes; 2) appropriation by the popular classes may confer on nationalism a strong antiimperialist
dimension leading to deep transformations on the internal level and on the relations with the international system; 3) the unfolding of this appropriation implies on the one hand class alliances and on other hand, political and organizational autonomy of dominated classes.



How to Cite

Rodrigues de Almeida, L. F. (2006). Don’t Pass Off a Cat as a Rabbit: For a Re-examination of the Relationship Between Nationalism and Anti-Imperialism in the Years of JK. Lutas Sociais, (15/16), 77–90.

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