The "historical pessimism" of Perry Anderson The "historical pessimism" of Perry Anderson
Social struggles, ideologies, Marxism, social movements, StateAbstract
This is a theoretical-political critique of Perry Anderson’s arguments in“Renewals,” an editorial in the introductory issue of the new version of theNew Left Review . The pessimism that emanates from the text expresses thecontemporary state of an intellectual current within the Anglo-Saxon “newleft,” which arose in the 1960s. Anderson’s own analyses of the process thatcreated “western Marxism” during the interwar period are useful for studyingthe trajectory of this current, whose principal exponent has been the New LeftReview .References
ANDERSON, Perry (1976). Considerations on Western Marxism. Londres, Verso.
__________. (2000). “Renewals”. New Left Review, 1, nova série.
__________. (2000). “Renovação”. Praga, 9,
__________. (2001). “Retomadas”. In: SADER, Emir (org.). Contracorrente: o melhor
da New Left Review em 2000. Rio de Janeiro, Record.
FEATHERSTONE, Liza (2000). “The New Student Movement”. The Nation. New York,
May 15.
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