Social struggles in the new disorder-September 11 and after


  • Lúcio Flávio Rodrigues Almeida



Social struggles, ideologies, Marxism, social movements, State


With the Cold War over, a lasting new world order seemed to establish itself,under the hegemony of a single planetary superpower. Within a short span oftime, this order showed itself to be rather precarious, despite the recurringaffirmations of American politico-military supremacy. The new socialstruggles have had a decisive role in producing and giving visibility to thiscrisis of hegemony. To what extent have their advances been compromised bythe political impact of the September 11, 2001 attacks? To put in another way,is the new conjuncture favorable to the recomposition of American hegemony? The present article is an attempt to contribution to the study ofthe nexus between social struggles and international relations in this turbulent beginning of the millennium.

Author Biography

Lúcio Flávio Rodrigues Almeida


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How to Cite

Almeida, L. F. R. (2004). Social struggles in the new disorder-September 11 and after. Lutas Sociais, (8), 143–155.