Between the Party and Academia: Marxists and the Racial Question in Brazil


  • Theófilo Codeço Machado Rodrigues Doutorando em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUCRio), RJ-Brasil.



Race, Marxism, Communist Party, social theory.


The objective of this article is to demonstrate the richness of the relationship between Marxismand the racial question in Brazil. To accomplish this, we examine two dimensions: (1) themanner in which the Communist Party of Brazil and some of its intellectuals, such as NelsonWerneck Sodré, Caio Prado Jr. and Clóvis Moura, dealt with this relationship, and (2) themanner in which Brazilian Marxist thinkers, especially Luiz de Aguiar Costa Pinto, FlorestanFernandes, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Octávio Ianni and Carlos Hasenbalg, incorporated itin their academic production. Rather than exploring the concepts formulated by these authors,the article provides the reader with a small map of the twisting paths of the relationship constructedbetween some Marxist intellectuals and the racial question in Brazil.



How to Cite

Rodrigues, T. C. M. (2015). Between the Party and Academia: Marxists and the Racial Question in Brazil. Lutas Sociais, 19(34), 87–99.