Immigration and Racism in the Dependent Modernization of the Labor Market


  • Patricia Villen Doutora em Sociologia pela UNICAMP, Campinas-SP, Brasil. Diplomada no Master sull’Immigrazione. Fenomeni Migratori e Trasformazioni Sociali, Universidade Ca’ Foscari (Veneza).



Immigration, racism, labor market, peripheral capitalism.


To what extent does the new configuration of immigration reposition the issue of racism inBrazil? Why is an understanding of the dynamics of the labor market central to the investigationof how, historically, racism is manifested in its relationship to immigration? In attemptingto reply to these questions, we propose a reading of the work of Florestan Fernandes whichportrays a dialectic between the black person and the white/immigrant to explain labor marketdowngrading, determined by the racism that is characteristic of the dependent modernizationof peripheral capitalism. These theoretical clues are fundamental for identifying the influenceof racism in the present and in the “peripheral” social reality of immigration in Brazil.



How to Cite

Villen, P. (2015). Immigration and Racism in the Dependent Modernization of the Labor Market. Lutas Sociais, 19(34), 126–142.