Agrarian Violence and Deforestation: Corolaries of State Policies and Social Struggles in Southeast Pará


  • Célia Congílio UNIFESSPA
  • Carla Silveira Moraes UNIFESPA



State, deforestation, agrarian conflicts, peasant resistance.


Southeast Pará, the site of large capitalist development projects, has stood out for years for its alarming rate of rural assassinations. We discuss the contemporary character of agrarian conflicts and how they are related to deforestation. It is important to underscore the role of the State regarding environmental questions and its relationship with agrarian conflicts in the region. Our main sources of information are oral histories of peasants and data on agrarian conflicts and forms of resistance, which we relate to indices of deforestation in the areas researched.

Author Biographies

Célia Congílio, UNIFESSPA

Doutora em Ciências Sociais pela PUC-SP e docente da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais do Araguaia Tocantins e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Dinâmicas Territoriais e Sociedades na Amazônia (PDTSA) da UNIFESSPA, Marabá-PA, Brasil. Líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Mudança Social no Sudeste Paraense (GEPEMSSP).

Carla Silveira Moraes, UNIFESPA

Graduanda em Ciências Sociais na Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA), Campus de Marabá-PA, Brasil. Bolsista PIBIC-CNPq/UNIFESSPA (2015) e membro do GEPEMSSP.



How to Cite

Congílio, C., & Moraes, C. S. (2016). Agrarian Violence and Deforestation: Corolaries of State Policies and Social Struggles in Southeast Pará. Lutas Sociais, 20(37), 155–167.