On Anti-Colonial Revolutions and the Capitalist Exploitation of Natural Resources


  • Raquel Varela Universidade Nova de Lisboa




anti-colonialism, neocolonialism, mass immigration, natural resource exploitation


In this article the author examines anti-colonial movements. She observes that among the movement leaders who were victorious, internationalism was uncommon. In countries where the bourgeois nationalist movement was stronger, independence did not rely as much on arms; in countries where the communist current was dominant, armed force was frequently used. The article identifies a strong contribution of the United States to decolonization. In the global inter-imperialist system, it was harmful to U.S. trade that countries like Great Britain and France maintained colonies and access to territories and natural resources inaccessible to North Americans. Today, we face a market in which the productive chains of the center countries depend on raw material from the periphery (as well as cheap or forced labor). These are profoundly unequal exchanges or, in a word, neocolonialism.

Author Biography

Raquel Varela, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Doutora em História Política e Institucional pelo Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Professora da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Varela, R. (2020). On Anti-Colonial Revolutions and the Capitalist Exploitation of Natural Resources. Lutas Sociais, 22(41), 207–222. https://doi.org/10.23925/ls.v22i41.46678