Labor Policies, Precariousness and Apprenticeships: The Italian Case




precarious work, Italian labor policies, apprenticeships


Over the last forty years, the organization of work and the job market in western countries have undergone numerous radical transformations that have led to increased worker precariousness. Countless legislative reforms have multiplied the typologies of short-term contracts, while drastically reducing workers’ legal protection. It is within this framework that the Italian legislator introduced important changes in the sector of apprenticeships. By critically analyzing the concept of worker precariousness – which has gained renewed currency among social scientists after the world economic crisis of 2007-2008 – this paper seeks to examine the evolution of labor policies during recent decades in Italy and the link between the escalation of job insecurity and the spread of apprenticeships.

Author Biography

Iside Gjergji, Universidade Ca’Fosfari de Veneza

Doutora em Sociologia das Migrações e Culturas pela Universidade de Salento (Itália); professora Assistente na Universidade Ca’Fosfari de Veneza, Itália; investigadora no Centro de Estudos Sociais, Lisboa, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Gjergji, I. (2021). Labor Policies, Precariousness and Apprenticeships: The Italian Case. Lutas Sociais, 24(44), 16–31.