Toyota Method in the Management of International Migration: The Italian Case in a Global Context




Toyotism, governance, migration policies, authoritarianism.


This article examines the Toyota method in the administration of international migration, considering the contemporary governance of migration as a capitalist form of administration of social problems. Beginning in the 1980s, this model of corporate governance inspired all types of reforms of institutions and public administration in the West, where companies become power-concentrating organizations. The current political directives for migration control present a clear retrogression to authoritarianism, without distinction between the authority of the “prince” and the rhetorical laws of the “Rule of Law.”

Author Biography

Iside Gjergji, Universidade Ca’Fosfari de Veneza (Itália)

Doutora em Sociologia das Migrações e Culturas pela Universidade de Salento (Itália); professora Assistente na Universidade Ca’Fosfari de Veneza (Itália) e investigadora no Centro de Estudos Sociais, Lisboa, Portugal.



How to Cite

Gjergji, I. (2019). Toyota Method in the Management of International Migration: The Italian Case in a Global Context. Lutas Sociais, 23(42), 23–39.