Deep Roots in Musical Structure

The Brazil in the 21st Century and Europe in the 17th Century in the Duality of “Me Gusta”


  • Gabriel Vasconcelos Salviano Centro Universitário Belas Artes



Decolonial, Cultural Hegemony, Latin America, Anitta


This article aims to determine how current pop music articulates the counter-hegemonic effort of decolonialism while being inserted in a space governed by the same cultural power that it seeks to combat. The object used in this study to determine the vital aspects of this clash is a song titled Me Gusta, released on September 18, 2020 by the Brazilian pop singer Anitta, in partnership with the rapper of Dominican and Trinidadian descent Cardi B and the singer and rapper of Porto. rich man Myke Towers. This choice is justified precisely because it is a work created and performed by Latin American artists, who seek to emphasize local cultural identity in their production, but which is inserted in the global pop culture market, reaching mass consumption internationally as a cultural product.

Author Biography

Gabriel Vasconcelos Salviano, Centro Universitário Belas Artes

Gabriel Vasconcelos é bacharel em Artes Interdisciplinares (Universidade Federal da Bahia), pós-graduado em História da Arte (Faculdade Belas Artes), professor de Teoria Musical e Prática do Violoncelo


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Fonte: publicado na plataforma Youtube. Cena do videoclipe de Me Gusta


2023-08-22 — Updated on 2023-06-20
