“Migrando”: literatura infantil como prática de uma pedagogia da alteridade


  • Bruna Roysen Avancini Pontifícia Universidade Católica - SP
  • Leda Maria de Oliveira Rodrigues PUSP
  • Ana Paula Ferreira da Silva PUCSP


Keywords: Migration; Multiculturalism; Child literacy; Representation; Alterity.


“Migrating”: children's literature as a practice of a pedagogy of alterity.


The migratory question has a central position in a global structure characterized by increasing civilian displacement. Among the migratory population the number of migrant children and youth stand out, a context that directly affects their material and symbolic conditions and also the development of their meaning structure and worldview, as well as their possibility to create a relationship with diversity, with access to and development of knowledge, and with the production of diverse identities and cultures. In this context, children’s literature becomes a material that permits new ways of creating oneself and the world, as it provides a symbolic channel to comprehend concrete issues. This study proposes a model of analysis and mediation of literary readings for Mariana Chiesa Mateos's “Migrating”, highlighting the elements present in its illustrations to foment questions, instigate reflections and promote relevant discussions in a children’s scope. As literature can offer avenues for elaboration, it is concluded that a mediated reading by the educators is fundamental to provide the tensions and reflections necessary for the promotion of a pedagogy of alterity.


Keywords: Migration; Multiculturalism; Child literacy; Representation; Alterity.


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How to Cite

Roysen Avancini, B., Maria de Oliveira Rodrigues , L., & Ferreira da Silva , A. P. . (2024). “Migrando”: literatura infantil como prática de uma pedagogia da alteridade. Ponto-E-Vírgula, 2(34). Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/pontoevirgula/article/view/65573