Learning Disorders and School Failure In the view of teachers and graduates





Disturbances of perception, Learning, Medicalization, School failure, Teachers


The purpose of this study was to understand the vision and practice of science teachers and students of a licentiate degree course in Biological Sciences in relation to learning disorders and school failure, in order to understand the senses and meanings they constructed in relation to the increasing attribution of biological responsibility to the supposed school failure. It is a qualitative research, in which was used a questionnaire application and a semi-structured interview with public and private school teachers and with students of a undergraduate/licentiate course from a public university. As results it is possible to identify the overlap in terms of understanding and use of terminologies such as “disturbs”, “problems” and “difficulties” of learning, by teachers and students participating in the research, as synonyms to designate the same process. The attribution of biological cause to any difficulty or learning problem of the student has been verified, even if the cause is, in fact, due to social or psychological factors. The lack of preparation for diagnosis was evidenciated, as well as lack of knowledge about the ways of doing it, attributing this role to other professionals who believe that they are better prepared to assist these cases, considering that drug treatment may be the most effective. Thus, the results obtained demonstrate the importance of investigations and more profound elucidations about the school daily life in relation to the issues linked with the teaching-learning process and the increasing medicalization of children and adolescents.


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