School Learning: teacher’s challenges in their teaching activities
School learning, Subjectivity, Teaching activityAbstract
The last two decades was a period delimited by the promulgation of the current Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (Lei 9.394/96) – National Education Guidelines and Base Law (Law 9,394/96), and characterized by an increase in the number of registrations in schools, especially in regards to elementary and middle schools. The school learning process has been constituted as an urgent issue for our time, whether in the undergraduate course and/or other academic training for teachers, or in the family and school environments or even in the doctors’ offices. Based on this matter, the teaching activity has been analyzed through different perspectives, both political and pedagogical, in view of addressing the issue of school learning process. Taking into account the socio-historical psychology as theoretical and methodological basis, this article aims to seize the subjective dimension of the challenges experienced by the teacher in their teaching activities as pertaining to the students’ learning. Methodologically, the research was developed through semi-structured interview and the process of analysis and interpretation of the data was based on the nuclei of meanings proposal. The results of the process of analysis and interpretation points out to a constitution of two nuclei of meanings, they are: 1) The school life: a path of flowers and thorns; and 2) From training to practice: challenges and possibilities.References
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