Construction and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of an Anti-Racist Intervention Based on Teaching African and Afro-Brazilian Culture


  • Arlene Ferreira de Almeida Universidade de Brasília
  • Tiago Jessé Souza de Lima Universidade de Brasília



Intervention, African Culture, Social Identity, Self-esteem, Racism


The objective of this article is to construct and evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention based on teaching African and Afro-Brazilian culture in increasing social identity and self-esteem in black children, and in raising awareness about racism in both white and black children. The intervention is based on the Curriculum in Movement of the Federal District, which includes content related to black history and culture. Antiracist interventions are extremely important for the Brazilian educational process, but unfortunately, they are still a little studied and developed topic in Brazil. Thinking about interventions that can be replicated in schools is a big step towards a better quality of life for black students and towards combating racism in Brazil. The specific objectives include building a multicultural intervention based on teaching African and Afro-Brazilian culture, evaluating the effect of the intervention on racial identification and self-esteem in black children, and evaluating the effect of the intervention on the perception of racial prejudice in both white and black children. The study involved 53 students enrolled in two fifth-grade classes in a school in the Federal District. The results showed no significant differences between the group that received the intervention and the control group, even when taking into account the participants’ skin color. However, the small number of participants in the study reduces the power to find a significant result, and caution should be taken when interpreting the results.


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