Expanded Clinic conception of human being
an existential-analytical approach
Expanded Clinic, Health, Conception of human being, HeideggerAbstract
The Expanded Clinic is one of the National Humanization Policy’s guidelines, which aims to improve the public healthcare. It is based on ideas that rethink traditional healthcare which is characterized by emphasis on diseases, symptoms and cure, positivistic objectivity and primarily organic intervention. Alternatively, The Expanded Clinic approach highlights the priority of valuing the human in its context and in its life history. The article unfolds arguing that rethinking traditional healthcare practices implies an underlying conception of human being, since the definition of any human phenomenon is related to an understanding of what it is to be human. It is stated that Martin Heidegger’s existential-analytical conception of human being is in line with the implicit vision of human being of the Expanded Clinic’s approach, in so far as it broadens the long-established conception of the human being by describing it as being-in-the-world.
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