Cultural complexes and feminist contributions to Analytical Psychology
woman, feminism, feminist collective, analytical psychologyAbstract
This article presents the results of a study conducted with women part of feminist collectives based on the theoretical framework of analytical psychology. Considering the importance of the feminist movement as a theory and practice that enables a critical review of the gender dimension and as a contribution to psychology, the goal of this study was to investigate the experiences of these women to understand their motivations and experiences, including how they see the work carried out by collectives, reflecting on their achievements, obstacles, and challenges. The research was methodologically guided by the qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews with nine women, which were later organized into themes and thematic groups for the presentation of results and analysis.The results show the transformative power – both individual and collective – of feminist groups, pointing to a growth in the possibilities of existing as women and their multiple transformations, in addition to showing the importance of these collectives as spaces for individual strengthening, deconstruction, and emancipation.
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