From aesthetic utopia to utopian aesthetics
the pulsating language
psychoanalysis, utopia, aesthetics, language, TarkovskyAbstract
This article seeks to underscore the ‘utopia significant, based on an articulation with aesthetics. The premise is not to apply Psychoanalysis to cinema: cinema is applied to Psychoanalysis building a path through which we can listen to the signifiers in their equivocality. With the emergence of an aesthetic utopia, which we illustrate with socialist realism, we understand that a strict language policy was established, restricting games with language and, therefore, discursive possibilities. However, in the entanglements of culture, between closings and (re)openings, a utopian aesthetics can take shape, and also shape the discussion based on Tarkovsky’s cinema, with his outsider cinematographic language. In this sense, what is at stake is the inventive dimension of language, the pulse of the signifiers that call the subjects to position themselves differently.
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