Itinerários de produção científica: pesquisas LGBTQI+ no marketing
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Marketing, LGBTQI , Revisão Sistemática, comportamento do consumidorRésumé
Os indivíduos LGBTQI+ compõe um grupo de consumidores que vem atraindo atenção de profissionais de marketing, principalmente pelo seu potencial de consumo. Assim, esse artigo tem o propósito de mapear os estudos em marketing que tem como objeto de pesquisa o consumidor LGBTQI+, no período que compreende os anos de 2009 a 2019, na plataforma Web of Science. Para tanto, 31 publicações foram encontradas para análise final. Como resultados, foi possível constatar a existência de cinco linhas principais de pesquisa. A partir dessas linhas, identificou-se as lacunas existentes e sugeriu-se pesquisas futuras.
Åkestam, N., Rosengren, S., & Dahlen, M. (2017). Think about it–can portrayals of homosexuality in advertising prime consumer-perceived social connectedness and empathy?. European Journal of Marketing, 51(1), 82-98. 1108/EJM-11-2015-0765
Ahmed, A. M., & Hammarstedt, M. (2009). Detecting discrimination against homosexuals: Evidence from a field experiment on the internet. Economica, 76(303), 588-597.
Ahuja, R., & Lyons, R. C. (2019). The silent treatment: discrimination against same-sex relations in the sharing economy. Oxford Economic Papers, 71(3), 564-576.
Angelini, J. R., & Bradley, S. D. (2010). Homosexual imagery in print advertisements: Attended, remembered, but disliked. Journal of homosexuality, 57(4), 485-502.
Araújo, C. A. (2006). Bibliometria: evolução histórica e questões atuais. Em Questão, 12(1), 11-32.
Aung, M., & Sha, O. (2016). Clothing consumption culture of a neo-tribe. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. 20(1), 34-53. JFMM-07-2014-0053
Bhat, S., Leigh, T. W., & Wardlow, D. L. (1996). The effect of homosexual imagery in advertising on attitude toward the ad. Journal of homosexuality, 31(1-2), 161-176.
Bhat, S., Leigh, T. W., & Wardlow, D. L. (1998). The effect of consumer prejudices on ad processing: Heterosexual consumers' responses to homosexual imagery in ads. Journal of Advertising, 27(4), 9-28.
Braun, K., Cleff, T., & Walter, N. (2015). Rich, lavish and trendy. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. 19(4), 445-466.
Mogaji, E. (2015). Reflecting a diversified country: A content analysis of newspaper advertisements in Great Britain. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 33(6), 908-926.
Canabarro, R. (2013). História e direitos sexuais no Brasil: o movimento LGBT e a discussão sobre a cidadania. In Congresso Internacional de História Regional (Vol. 2).
Christafore, D., & Leguizamon, S. (2012). The influence of gay and lesbian coupled households on house prices in conservative and liberal neighborhoods. Journal of Urban Economics, 71(2), 258-267.
Ciszek, E. (2020). “We are people, not transactions”: Trust as a precursor to dialogue with LGBTQ publics. Public Relations Review, 46(1), 101759.
DeLozier, D. M. W., & Rodrigue, J. (1996). Marketing to the homosexual (gay) market: A profile and strategy implications. Journal of Homosexuality, 31(1-2), 203-212.
Descubes, I., McNamara, T., & Bryson, D. (2018). Lesbians’ assessments of gay advertising in France: not necessarily a case of ‘La Vie en Rose?’. Journal of Marketing Management, 34(7-8), 639-663.
Dotson, M. J., Hyatt, E. M., & Thompson, L. P. (2009). Sexual orientation and gender effects of exposure to gay‐and lesbian‐themed fashion advertisements. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 13(3), 431-447. 13612020910974537.
Ellemers, N., Spears, R., & Doosje, B. (2002). Self and social identity. Annual review of psychology, 53(1), 161-186.
Fugate, D. L. (1993). Evaluating the US male homosexual and lesbian population as viable target market segment: Review with implications. Journal of consumer Marketing, 10 (4), 46-57.
Galli, G., & Catelan, R. (2020). Entre equívocos e disputas: conceitos sobre gênero e sexualidade em constante transformação. Revista do Instituto Humanitas Unisinos-IHU On-Line, 35(1), 16-21.
Ginder, W., & Byun, S. E. (2015). Past, present, and future of gay and lesbian consumer research: Critical review of the quest for the queer dollar. Psychology & Marketing, 32(8), 821-841.
Hildebrand, D., DeMotta, Y., Sen, S., & Kongsompong, K. (2013). In-group and out-group influences on the consumption behavior of minority groups: The case of gay men. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32(1_suppl), 70-78.
Gudelunas, D. (2011). Consumer myths and the gay men and women who believe them: a qualitative look at movements and markets. Psychology & Marketing, 28(1), 53-68.
Hughes, H. L., & Deutsch, R. (2010). Holidays of older gay men: Age or sexual orientation as decisive factors? Tourism Management, 31(4), 454-463.
Lubowiecki-Vikuk, A. P., & Borzyszkowski, J. (2016). Tourist activity of LGBT in European post-communist states: The case of Poland. Economics & Sociology, 9(1), 192.
Mikkonen, I. (2010). Negotiating subcultural authenticity through interpretation of mainstream advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 29(2), 303-326.
Miskolci, R. (2012). Origens históricas da teoria queer. Teoria Queer: Um aprendizado pelas diferenças. Ouro Preto: Autêntica Editora.
Mumcu, C., & Lough, N. (2017). Are Fans Proud of the WNBA's Pride Campaign? Sport Marketing Quarterly, 26(1),42-54.
Nadal, K. L. (2013). A brief history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and civil rights. 14–37. American Psychological Association. 10.1037/14093-002
O Globo (2015). Potencial de compras LGBT é estimado em R$ 419 bilhões no Brasil. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 03 nov. 2019.
Oakenfull, G. K., & Greenlee, T. B. (2005). Queer eye for a gay guy: Using market‐specific symbols in advertising to attract gay consumers without alienating the mainstream. Psychology & Marketing, 22(5), 421-439.
Oakenfull, G. (2012). Gay consumers and brand usage: The gender‐flexing role of gay identity. Psychology & Marketing, 29(12), 968-979.
Oakenfull, G. W. (2013). What matters: Factors influencing gay consumers’ evaluations of “gay-friendly” corporate activities. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32(1_suppl), 79-89.
Olson, E., & Park, H. J. (2019). The impact of age on gay consumers’ reaction to the physical and social servicescape in gay bars. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(9), 3683-3701. 1108/IJCHM-12-2018-0999
Branchik, B. J., & O’Leary, B. (2016). Funny, scary, dead: negative depictions of male homosexuality in American advertising. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 8 (4), 524-544.
Peñaloza, L. (1996). We're here, we're queer, and we're going shopping! A critical perspective on the accommodation of gays and lesbians in the US marketplace. Journal of homosexuality, 31(1-2), 9-41.
Pounders, K., & Mabry-Flynn, A. (2016). Consumer response to gay and lesbian imagery: how product type and stereotypes affect consumers' perceptions. Journal of Advertising Research, 56(4), 426-440.
Puntoni, S., Vanhamme, J., & Visscher, R. (2011). Two birds and one stone. Journal of Advertising, 40(1), 25-42.
Read, G. L., van Driel, I. I., & Potter, R. F. (2018). Same-sex couples in advertisements: An investigation of the role of implicit attitudes on cognitive processing and evaluation. Journal of Advertising, 47(2), 182-197.
Ro, H., & Olson, E. D. (2014). The effects of social justice and stigma-consciousness on gay customers' service recovery evaluation. Journal of Business Research, 67(6), 1162-1169.
Rosenbaum, M. S., Russell-Bennett, R., & Drennan, J. (2015). Commercial friendships between gay sales associates and straight female customers in luxury settings: A proposed theoretical framework. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 27, 179-186.
Rosenbaum, M. S., Russell, E. M., & Russell-Bennett, R. (2017). “I’ll wait for him”: Understanding when female shoppers prefer working with gay male sales associates. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 36, 172-179.
Santos, J. L. S., Kalsing, M., & Hansen, P. B. (2014). Redes de cooperação interorganizacional: uma análise sistemática da produção científica na Web of Science de 1981-2013. Anais XVII SEMEAD - Seminários em Administração,1-15.
Schneider, H., Schönenberg, I., & Ferié, F. (2013). The distribution of influence in purchase decisions by male homosexual couples. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 12(5), 345-357.
Sender, K. (2003). Sex sells: Sex, taste, and class in commercial gay and lesbian media. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 9(3), 331-365.
Strubel, J., & Petrie, T. A. (2018). Perfect bodies: The relation of gay men’s body image to their appearance enhancement product consumption behaviors. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 22(1), 114-128. JFMM-05-2017-0040
Tsai, W. H. S. (2011). How minority consumers use targeted advertising as pathways to self-empowerment. Journal of Advertising, 40(3), 85-98.
Tsai, W. H. S. (2012). Political issues in advertising polysemy: the case of gay window advertising. Consumption Markets & Culture, 15(1), 41-62.
Um, N. H. (2014). Does gay-themed advertising haunt your brand? The impact of gay-themed advertising on young heterosexual consumers. International Journal of Advertising, 33(4), 811-832.
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