Catholic Church and ecumenism/ inculturation: from concept revision to the impasse of marketing strategies advent


  • Luís Henrique Marques UNESP-Assis


Ecumenism and inculturation, religious marketing, catholic marketing


This article refers to the concept and the practice both of ecumenism and inculturation recently adopted by the Brazilian Catholic Church in response to the pluralist context and the necessity to struggle for adherents (mainly disputing with the neopentecostais churchs) by using marketing strategies. Due to these circumstances the ecumenical project officially assumed by this institution is suspended und undergoes a crises, since the idea of a reciprocal approximation and cooperation between catholic and other Christian denominations is in­compatible with the strive for religious hegemony within the Brazilian society

Author Biography

Luís Henrique Marques, UNESP-Assis

Jornalista e professor universitário, mestre em Comunicação pela Unesp-Bauru e doutor em História pela Unesp-Assis (linha História e Religiões).





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