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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

    Texts will only be received through the electronic edition of PROJETO HISTORIA - postgraduate studies magazine in History at PUC-SP, which can be accessed at link



    You need to have a login/password to access the PROJETO HISTORIA - postgraduate studies magazine in History at PUC-SP. ISSN 0102-4442 (printed) or ISSN ONLINE: 21762767.

  • The contribution must be original, unpublished and not being evaluated for publication by another journal, otherwise justify in "Comments to the Editor".
  • The files for submission must be in Microsoft Word, RTF or OpenOffice (since it does not exceed 2MB)
  • All addresses of Webpages (URLs) in the text (eg must be activated and ready to click.
  • The text must adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, in About the Journal.
  • The authorship identification of this work must be removed from the file and in the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the journal confidentiality criteria, if subjected to peer review (eg articles), according to instructions available in Asserting a Blind Peer Review.
  • In Submission Metadata item, it must be specified the references over the author(s) as follows: last titration; final institutional placement and research funding source referred to the text, if it exists.

Author Guidelines


1. General

a. Articles related to the dossier’s theme; open-subject articles, research news, review. The selection criterion of the dossier’s theme is to accompany historiographical tendencies, to debate upon its foundations and/or up to date with international-relevant questions in the corresponding period for each edition.

b. All submissions sent to the editors of Projeto História will be forwarded to the Editorial Committee and the journal will only accept unpublished materials.

c. No texts will be accepted in the form of citation author/date.

d. The authorship identification of this work must be removed from the text thus ensuring the journal confidentiality criteria, if subjected to blind peer review. During the submission, there will be an item to specify the author(s) references as follows: education, titration and institutional placement, city, state, country and contact email.

e. The journal accepts submissions in the following languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Italian.

f. The editors promote a previous analysis of unpublished articles and plagiarism, through similarity detection (known as anti-plagiarism) using the TURNITIN´s software, provided by PUC-SP. Only after this analysis are the article is sent to the referees.


2. Specific

2.1. Articles

a. Brazilian authors should have at least Ph.D. and foreigners should have something corresponded to the same level.

b. Must have approximately 20 to 25 pages of 70 keystrokes and 30 lines.

c. Each article should be accompanied by a succinct title, abstract, with approximately 100 words, and keywords in its original language and in English.

2.2. Reviews

a. Shouldn’t exceed 5 pages of 70 keystrokes and 30 lines.

b. The reviewed book must have been published no later than 4 years, in it’s original language, from the time of submission of the review.

2.3. Research News

a. Shouldn’t exceed 10 pages of 70 keystrokes and 30 lines.

b. Should not have endnotes or bibliographic references, they should be incorporated in the body of the text.

3. Submission

a. Documents must be submitted in Word for Windows (extensions .doc or .docx). The platform is available on the site More information below.


1. General

1.1. Extension and format

a. The maximum extent of the contributions (with images, citations and bibliographic notes), should be in A4 size format, with line spacing of 1.5 and in Times New Roman 12.

b. Documents must be submitted in Word for Windows (extensions .doc or .docx).

1.2. Images

a. The images (tables, graphics, maps, etc.) should be included in separate files and text indicating the corresponding sources and the place where they will be inserted in the text.

b. We suggest that the images should be saved as JPG or TIFF with a resolution of gray scale 300 dpi.

c. When needed, authorization for the publishing of the images should be sent to the journal.

1.3. Titles

a. Titles should be succinct, in bold, centered and in Times New Roman 16.

b. The subtitles must come on the left margin, in bold, in Times New Roman 12, separated from the title by double spacing.

1.4. Author’s Data

a. The authorship identification of this work must be removed from the text thus ensuring the journal confidentiality criteria, if subjected to blind peer review. During the submission, there will be an item to specify the author(s) references as follows: education, titration and institutional placement, city, state, country and contact email.


2. Specific

2.1. Article

a. Must have approximately 20 to 25 pages of 70 keystrokes and 30 lines.

b. Each article should be accompanied by a succinct title, abstract, with approximately 100 words, and keywords in its original language and in English.

c. Endnotes and Citations

1. Citations must be between inverted commas if they are included in the text. Important: No texts will be accepted in the form of citation author/date.

2. When a citation exceed the extension of four lines, it should not be demarcated in quotes or italics, it should be in a separate paragraph in Times New Roman 10, with single line spacing and a left margin of 2.5 cm..

3. The citations, which are in endnotes, even if exceeds four lines, must follow the pattern shown in (1).

4. Endnotes should be indicated on endnotes with related figures, in Times New Roman 10, with single line spacing, no spaces and no left margin.

5. Citation Style

a. Books

SURNAME, N.(Name) Book Title: subtitle. Trad.(Translation) Name Surname. City: Publisher, Year. [Xa Ed.] pp. X-X. Or p. X.


BENJAMIN, W. Obras Escolhidas: Magia e Técnica, Arte e política. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1994. [7ª Ed.] p. 15.

SENNETT, R. Carne e pedra. O corpo e a cidade na civilização Ocidental. Trad. Marcos Aarão Reis. Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo: Editora Record, 2006. p. 10.

b. Book Chapters

SURNAME, N.(Name) Book Title: subtitle. In: SURNAME, N.(Name) (Coord. or Org. or Ed.). Book Title: subtitle. City: Publisher, Year. [Xa Ed.] pp. X-X. Or p. X.


MOURA, S. L. de.; ALMEIDA, J. M. G. de. A Igreja na Primeira República. In: FAUSTO, B. (Org.). O Brasil republicano. Sociedade e instituições (1889-1930). História Geral da Civilização Brasileira. Tomo III, Vol. 2. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 1997. pp. 323-342.

PAOLI, M. C. Os trabalhadores urbanos na fala dos outros. Tempo, espaço e classe na história operária brasileira.  In: LOPES, J. S. L. (Coord.). Cultura & identidade operária: aspectos da cultura da classe trabalhadora. São Paulo-Rio de Janeiro: Marco Zero/Editora UFRJ, 1987. pp. 87-90. p. 88.

c. Articles

SURNAME, N.(Name) Article Title. Journal Name, t. (tome), vol. (volume), n°, year of publishing. pp. X-X. pp. X-X or p. X.


PAOLI et al. Pensando a classe operária: os trabalhadores sujeitos ao imaginário acadêmico. Revista Brasileira de História, nº 3, 1983. pp. 129-149.

VIEIRA, V. L. Criminalização das Lutas Sociais em Estados autocráticos burgueses. Projeto História (PUCSP), São Paulo, v. 31, 2005. pp. 189-205.

d. Interviews

Interviewee’s Name or Pseudonym. Interviewer. Month/Year.


Maria Carmen. Olga Joaquim. 02/1991.

Observation: when utilizing an interview made by someone else, use apud.

e. Websites

Description. Available at: Link. Accessed: Day/Month/Year.


Fundação Cultural Palmares. Available at:\quilombola. Accessed: 03/10/2013.

Casal é assassinado a tiros em parada de ônibus na Praia de Iracema. O Povo Online, Fortaleza, 04/06/2012. Available at: app/fortaleza/2012/06/04/noticiafortaleza,2852288/casal-e-assassinado-a-tiros-em-parada-de-onibus-na-praia-de-iracema.shtml. Accessed: 17/01/2014.

f. General Observations

When there is more than one author, cite the first author followed by et al.: E.g. (MASES et al.,).

If on the same note references are made to different authors, it will follow the chronological order that corresponds to their works.

If it comes to several works by the same author published in the same year, after the first full citation, the distinction between them (op. cit.) it will be by using letters. E.g. (COSTA, the. cit., 1978a; COSTA, op. cit., 1978b).

If one considers the language as important and year of the original edition, put them between brackets.

2.2. Reviews

a. Shouldn’t exceed 5 pages of 70 keystrokes and 30 lines.

b. The reviewed work’s information (author’s name, publisher, city of publishing, amount of pages) should be in the left margin in Times New Roman 12.

2.3. Research News

a. Shouldn’t exceed 10 pages of 70 keystrokes and 30 lines.

b. Should not have endnotes or bibliographic references, they should be incorporated in the body of the text.


Do as follows:

The authors (no more than 3 authors) should register (Username/Password) on the magazine's website. In the box Online Submissions, fill in your profile correctly and select the option "AUTHOR". Notice that the required fields are obligatory (those indicated with an asterisk). It is important to "save" the information recorded.

After that, go to “ACTIVE SUBMISSIONS" and begin the submission process through the link "CLICK HERE TO BEGIN THE PROCESS OF SUBMISSION", in which you will complete five basic steps:

1st – Beginning: Initiate it by confirming that you agree with the regulations clauses of the magazine (tick the boxes and declaration of the copyright) by selecting the pertinent section;

2nd – Insert your metadata: indicate the important data – name, last name (the system translate it as name and first name), e-mail, institution, city, state and country, title, summary of the biography; indication of the funding agency development-related work to be published;

3rd – Transference: Transfer the original copy to the system;

4th – Transference of additional documents: you should transfer the files with additional information, which works as an appendix or attached file to the main text, such as the research tools, data sets and tables, that follow the ethical standards of evaluation, source of information are not normally available to readers, or illustrations as well as tables that cannot be integrated to the text.

5th – Confirmation: Concluding the submission.

After the conclusion of the five steps above, the author should wait for the e-mail from the publisher, and in the meantime, you will be able to follow the whole process of your production, submission, acceptance, review, reissue of the original till the publication. After the articles are submitted, an assigned to evaluation by reviewers defined by the board of editors. The policy selection of the articles is defined by the members of the Editorial Board and by the Editors of the magazine.

The average time between submission and publication is less than six months.



For more information please send your message to:

Committee HISTORY PROJECT Editor

The index from the previous issues from HISTORY PROJECT can be found on the page of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo:



History department - graduation and post graduation PUC-SP

Rua Ministro Godoi, nº 969, B1-A. S-4E08

Phone: (55) (11) 36708511



An external committee to the University can evaluate the texts. The original ones will not be given back to the authors.

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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively used for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.