The “subversion of good standards":

revisiting portuguese language mistakes (1880-1930)


  • Beatriz Rodrigues Unicentro



language, history and literature


In Brazil at the beginning of the last century, debates around the Portuguese language appeared on the pages of several magazines and periodicals. At the center of these discussions were questions regarding linguistic purism, the role of the people in the constitution of the vernacular, the place of intellectuals and writers, the diffusion of new means of communication and the integration of immigrants. In this article, we analyze texts that were published by the Brazilian press between the last two decades of the 19th century and the first three decades of the 20th century and that bring up these themes to debate. The press was chosen for being a catalyst locus of the debates that took place about the Portuguese language, since it crossed the intellectual life at that time.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, B. (2022). The “subversion of good standards":: revisiting portuguese language mistakes (1880-1930). Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 74, 205–229.