American heritage: Glauber Rocha, Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and the memories in image and sound.


  • Fátima Sebastiana Gomes Lisboa


Cultural Heritage, History, Movies, Latin American cinema, film archives.


As “memory places”, the audiovisual files retain collections which are few explored by the historical studies. This present paper presents some research possibilities with multimedia collections. Often preserved in film archives, sometimes in personal files, this varied documentation was generally accumulated over years by people linked to the country’s culture. This paper intends to raise the value of this collections as historical heritage, offering a practical analysis of the records in several media. As a goal we intend to overlay the studies on cultural history with the studies on cinema history, regarding the audiovisual heritage as a common object to both search fields.

Author Biography

Fátima Sebastiana Gomes Lisboa

Doutora em Etudes sur l'Amérique Latine – IPEALT pela Université de Toulouse II Le Mirail. Pesquisadora da CAPES pós-doutorado, pesquisadora associada ao grupo de estudos sobre artes do espetáculo RIRRA 21, da Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III. Organizadora, juntamente com CORSEUIL, Anelise /et al./, do livro: Cinema. Lanterna Mágica da história e da Mitologia. Florianópolis: EDUFSC, 2009. Autora de “O cineclubismo no Brasil: ideias sobre o projeto civilizador do movimento francês no Brasil e na Argentina (1940-1970)”. In CAPELATO, Maria Helena, MORETTIN, E., NAPOLITANO, M. & SALIBA, Elias T. História e cinema. São Paulo: Alameda. 2007.

How to Cite

Lisboa, F. S. G. (2011). American heritage: Glauber Rocha, Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and the memories in image and sound. Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 40. Retrieved from