Interview with Davi Geiger


  • Dora Kaufman Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.



Davi Geiger is Associate Professor in Computer Science at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. Assistant Professor (1997-2000) and Visiting Assistant Professor (1994-1997) at the Courant/NYU. Visiting Scientist, Institute of Mathematics, University of Cambridge (1993). Research Scientist, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton (1990-93). Ph.D. without Department of Physics and Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT. National Science Foundation Career Award - NSF Career Award (1998). Co-founder of DeepMagic (AI and IoT/mobile commerce/retail) and consultant since 2002 at N-hega (systems for industries).

Author Biography

Dora Kaufman, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Post-doctoral student at TIDD/PUC-SP, post-doctoral fellow at COPPE-UFRJ, PhD ECA-USP with a period at Université Paris - Sorbonne IV. Visiting researcher and lecturer at the Computer Science Department, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU (2009, 2010), and at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin (2015). Researcher at Atopos ECA/USP (since 2011), participates in the Artificial Intelligence Study Group of the Institute for Advanced Studies at USP.

