The The construction of the public character through oral narratives

The case of priest Matheus van Herkhuizen




orality, narration, memory, Catholic church


Narratives are linguistic activities characterized by the elaboration of memories, recalled by the narration process, and it is possible to consider them as fundamental elements of everyday social life, especially when transmitted orally. Over time, oral narratives become an integral part of the construction of social identity, which enables their use to build the personality of public characters. The objective of this research was to study the case of Priest Matheus van Herkhuizen, a Dutch priest who is a character in many stories narrated by the population of Espírito Santo do Pinhal, to analyze the influence of narratives on popular devotional construction. The study was carried out through thematic analysis of narratives recorded in different media and dated 1973, 2020 and 2021, which are in the collection of the Congregation of the Augustinians of the Assumption and which allow the elaboration of the memory of this public character. It was found that the oral narratives, produced at the time and more than forty years after the priest's death, bear similarities that highlight that the faithful have always attributed sanctity to the priest. Thus, it was concluded with the thematic analysis of such narratives that they not only help to preserve the memory of a people, but also contribute to the construction of the personality of public figures, since in the case of Priest Matheus they established the perception of holiness through the oral manifestations of the community, influencing the local faith to the point where it was possible to have impacted the authorization for the opening of a beatification process.

Author Biographies

Ricardo Augusto Ricetti Biazotto, Centro Regional Universitário de Espírito Santo do Pinhal

Graduated in Languages (Portuguese and English) at the Centro Regional Universitário de Espírito Santo do Pinhal (UNIPINHAL).

Paulo Cesar Ricci Romão, Centro Regional Universitário de Espírito Santo do Pinhal

Doctoral student in Teacher Training and Teaching Practices at the PPGE of PUC-Campinas, Master in Public Policies in Education from the PPGE- PUC- Campinas, professor at the Espírito Santo do Pinhal Regional University Center (UNIPINHAL).


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How to Cite

Biazotto, R. A. R. ., & Romão, P. C. R. . (2022). The The construction of the public character through oral narratives: The case of priest Matheus van Herkhuizen. Último Andar, 25(40), e57069.