In this article we discuss some meanings of the metaterm Lusophony. Through analysis criteria that we extract from our reading of Faraco (2012), namely Language, History and Politics, and a fourth, which we call Discipline, we reflect on the possibility of visualizing the intertwining of Lusophony and Linguistic Historiography and also from the representation of Lusophony as a discipline, a teaching unit. In the end, we conclude that the intertwining between HL and Lusophony contributes to a more fruitful exploration of the Portuguese language as an object of study. We believe that the questions that arise pertaining to the field of Education and Pedagogy, deserve a more accurate reflection, because, in this way, we will be able to reflect and help in the establishment of a more attractive Lusophony and more related to its mother tongue, its history and politics in an international panorama.
Keywords: Lusophony. Philosophy of Linguistics. Intertwined History. Linguistic Historiography. topology.
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