Dialogical Theory of Language, Emergency Remote Teaching, Teaching work, University educationAbstract
Considering the outbreak of a pandemic by COVID -19 in 2020, the teaching work needed to combine drastic changes from face-to-face to remote teaching, not being different for the academic context. The objective is to analyze, through the teachers’ voice, the effects that Emergency Remote Teaching had on the (re)formation of their practices in their work practice when facing the pandemic challenge in the years 2020 and 2021. It is based on the principles of the Dialogical Theory of Language in Bakhtin and the Circle.The participants are professors of the Licentiate in Letters courses at two public universities, located in the city of Campina Grande, State of Paraíba. Methodologically, it has a qualitative, interpretive approach, with a descriptive nature. The results indicate by the teachers' answers, that even in the midst of tensions, Emergency Remote Teaching contributed to thinking about the (re)formation of teaching practices in the horizon of the academic context.
Keywords: Dialogical Theory of Language. Emergency Remote Teaching. Teaching work. University education.
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