Ensino da língua portuguesa, Pandemia, Tecnologia da Informação e da Comunicação, Transposição Didática, Transposição InformáticaAbstract
ABSTRACT: In this article, we aim to investigate challenges and possibilities of Computational Transposition in Portuguese Language teaching, from the voice of teachers. Given the challenges of the Emergency Remote Teaching period, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we heard twelve teachers in virtual interviews and an online questionnaire. We concluded that most of the challenges encountered came from the External Universe of the Computational Transposition and the possibilities were mostly found in the Interface, with complements from the External Universe. We believe that discussions of this research can contribute to a positive path for our teaching, especially involving Digital Information and Communication Technologies.
Keywords: Computational Transposition. Portuguese language teaching. Pandemic. Information and Communication Technology. Didactic transposition.
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