Parsonage-turner syndrome
brachial plexus neuritis, brachial plexus, inflammationAbstract
The Parsonage-Turner syndrome, amyotrophic neuralgia or neuritis of the brachial plexus is a rare syndrome, of unknown cause. The more frequently affected structures are the suprascapular, axillary nerves and their corresponding muscles. The disease has a wide range of clinical manifestations, and patients usually come to physicians of different specialties with intense and sudden pain complaints in the shoulder, radiating to the arm or neck and that lasts for hours or weeks. When the pain disappears, the patient develops a flaccid paralysis and muscle weakness associated with sensory loss of the shoulder girdle. Accurate diagnosis can be challenging and requires a complete history and detailed physical examination. Nerve conduction velocity and imaging studies help to evaluate the disease. Treatment consists of symptomatic control. The symptoms can persist for more than one year, but most patients recover over time. resolução ao longo do tempo.
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