Cervicalgia in medical students: a multifactorial reality
cervical pain, neck, epidemiology, students, medicalAbstract
Introduction: Cervicalgia affects about 50% of the population. It is predominant among women and is related to repetitive efforts and postural positioning. The high hours of study and the use of books, computers and tablets, students may cause neck pain. Objective: To know the prevalence of this condition in PUC-SP medical students and their respective profile. Methods: One hundred students of the PUC-SP medical course were evaluated. A questionnaire on demographic data, clinical characteristics, neck disability index (NDI) and SF36 was applied. Results: The total prevalence of cervicalgia was 34% with a predominance of females. The condition was reported as chronic in 16% of the sample while 19% presented only one episode. Regarding the NDI questionnaire, it is observed that three subjects from 17 to 19 years of age did not present disability and three subjects presented mild disability. From 20 to 22 years of age, six people were not disabled and 12 were mildly disabled. From 23 to 25 years of age, two people did not present disability, seven presented mild disability and one presented moderate disability. Over 26 years of age, one person had mild disability. There has been an impact on the quality of life in the areas of physical aspects, pain and vitality. The analysis showed that the scores of the scales of the SF36 correlate with the NDI values with exception of the “Social Aspects” domain for both genders and the “Vitality and Mental Health” domains for males. Conclusion: There is a relevant prevalence of cervicalgia among the students of the School of Medicine of PUC-SP, generating impact on the quality of life.Downloads
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