Pelvic floor muscle training and perception of female sexual satisfaction using the Gyrokinesis technique: a pilot study


  • Roberta Ribeiro Quinn Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, Departamento de Fisioterapia – São Paulo (SP), Brasil.
  • Juliana de Paula da Silva Cruz Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e da Saúde – São Paulo (SP), Brasil.
  • Juliana Schulze Burti Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e da Saúde – São Paulo (SP), Brasil.
  • Débora Driemeyer Wilbert Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, Departamento de Fisioterapia – São Paulo (SP), Brasil.



sexual dysfunction, physiological, pelvic floor, women’s health, sexual health, exercise therapy, quality of life


Introduction: Female sexual dysfunction is a common phenomenon among women and may be related to pathophysiological conditions of the pelvic floor muscles. The disuse, weakness and hypotonicity of the pelvic floor muscles are related to orgastic disability, impairing female sexual relations with an impact on the quality of life. Objective: To identify whether the training of the pelvic floor muscle (PFM) using the Gyrokinesis technique influences the improvement of sexual satisfaction and quality of life. Materials and methods: A pilot, uncontrolled nor randomized clinical study with seven female volunteers, with a mean age of 44 years. A female sexual function assessment scale (FSFI) and quality of life perception questionnaire (World Health Organization Quality of Life – WHOQOL-BREF) were applied before and after the intervention of the PFM strengthening activity and body awareness protocol, within the Gyrokinesis approach. Results: A significant difference was observed in the FSFI total score, indicating an improvement in the sexual function of the volunteers and a difference in the variables: Sexual Satisfaction, Psychological Domain and Social Relations of the WHOQOL-BREF. Conclusion: Exercises directed to the PFM were beneficial in assessing female sexual satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Quinn RR, Cruz J de P da S, Burti JS, Wilbert DD. Pelvic floor muscle training and perception of female sexual satisfaction using the Gyrokinesis technique: a pilot study. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2019Dec.9 [cited 2024Dec.26];21(3):137-40. Available from:



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